Monday, December 15, 2008

Paying Out

For all you Methodist pastors, here's a thought.

Over the last couple months, we've had this internal conversation in our church about the budget. It seems that September panicked everyone about giving. We dropped tens of thousands that month over last year. As such, we've looked at the budget, tried to figure what we could do without over the period and looked to limp into the new year where all of a sudden, we will have money that we don't have now.

Over the last couple months, the question that has resonated with laity and staff is, "Are we going to pay out?" In other words, are we going to pay our apportionments in full by the end of the year. Apportionments are the funds that support the structure of the UMC. Paying 100% is so important that it's on the pastor profile we fill out each year. Bringing people to Christ is good, preaching sermons are good, providing discipleship to others is good, however, don't pay your apportionments, no gold star by your name on the pastor profile.

So we're worry that we might not "pay out."

Question: Is the focus on paying out or on discipleship? In my naive and simple way, I believe that giving even in an era of economic stress is a spiritual issue not a financial one. Many times, we frame the debate in terms of obligation. In order for us to meet our budget, we need you to give X amount. Perhaps that mindset should be framed in terms of generosity.

In John's gospel, God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son. "Only begotten" seems to imply all. Or the widow's mites. Jesus remarked about giving her all. Jesus speaks of an abundant life--does it come from obligation or generosity? Which fuels the abundant life?

In other words, if we give out of our generosity, will we worry about "paying out"? Hmm?!

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