Saturday, June 21, 2008

Set Apart

Version 2.0 of "Setting Apart". I just lost version 1.0 so eloquently developed that version 2.0 is a downgrade--see Vista back to XP.

The last week and a half has been a time of adjustment to ordination. People ask me, "Do you feel different because you are ordained?" Feel is probably not the best word to describe my understanding of ordination in my life. After 9 years, I have fulfilled the call to ministry that God placed upon me. That which began in late February/early March has come to fruition on June 11th.

Last Sunday, I wore a stole for the first time of my ministry. It felt weird because for 7 years, I have worn a preaching robe without a stole. Looking at the video after the service, I thought, "I need to do a better job of balancing the stole around my neck--one side was longer than the other."

Last Sunday like the previous Sunday and previous days, I performed the responsibillities of first a student pastor and then an associate pastor. My hope after 10 days is that I will continue to grow in Christ. That ordination opens new opportunities to serve Christ, not to lord over others or feel superior because I've been ordained.

In six months, I'll have a better understanding of my ordination. Perhaps then, I can express it better.