Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Season of a Thousand Tiny Mistakes

Recently, I heard the story of two groups asked to make clay pots. Group 1 was told to make the best clay pot possible with the resources they had. Group 2 was told to make as many pots as possible over the next 30 days. Each group was given all the resources they needed. At the end of 30 days, each group was judged to see which had the best pot. Surprisingly, the second group had the better pot. Over the 30 period, they made pot after pot learning from their mistakes. Group 1 never had the opportunity to learn from their mistakes as most of their mistakes were hidden from lack of comparsion.

Churches are like these groups. Many churches are only interested in the one pot and never see the imperfections that needed to be improved. Others learn from their mistakes and constantly improve.

As much as I have the power to inaugurate at Pine Valley, I am announcing "the season of a thousand tiny mistakes." We are about growing and learning by making tiny mistakes that help us toward greater perfection. Giant mistakes tend to be debilitating. Tiny mistakes are "teachable moments."

So we'll see how the next thirty days goes.

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